Agile Microlearning: The future of online training. Microlearning is the perfect companion to longer-form training.
As a flexible, on-demand approach to delivering content that is short, focused, and relevant, microlearning gives learners what they want — and what they need.
Micro-lessons fit easily into the workday, minimizing disruptions and allowing modern learners to control how, when, and where they do their online training.
Real learning
One-time exposure to content does not lead to deep learning. Agile microlearning uses the principle of spaced repetition to build knowledge retention.
Real engagement
Agile microlearning presents short, relevant content using interactive content, audio, video, and animations. Learners engage over and over again, learning and remembering the content.
Real Results
Learners use agile microlearning as performance support or to extend and refresh their training. Bringing learning and on-the-job application together improves both training and business outcomes.
Bringing it all together
Like what you see so far? Now learn how MBH UPSKILLING delivers uniquely effective learning experiences.
Providing solutions. Measuring outcomes. We’re in it together. This is how we make a difference. Speak to one of our expert team. We’re all about you, we have a mission. To always provide effective microlearning experiences that unlock potential and upskill executive people in the future digital challenges workplace.